1. someone’s creation (work, handiwork, etc.) дело рук (чьё-либо произведение, изделие и т.п.); 2. it’s all his (her) doing / that’s his (her) handiwo
why should I? / a fat lot I care! / not me! * охота была (с какой стати?, конечно, нет!)
Things look black (blue, nasty). / It’s as rotten (bad) as can be. Дела как сажа бела. / Мои дела, как сажа бела
an instigator зачинщик (инициатор, основной виновник)
bax işin ucunu tapmaq
to be lost in someone’s work / to be over head and ears in work быть по уши в делах / нет возможности вздохнуть от работы
to get out of a tight corner выходить из переплёта
(I’m afraid,) it may be some trouble как бы чего не вышло
to do a lot of silly things / to make a stir / to cause trouble / to commit blunders / Cf. there’s the devil to pay / he (she) has been and done it! н
it’s now only a matter of smth. / one thing is missing / smth. is standing in the way / it depends on someone дело стало (осложняться, произошла задер
to get at the root of smth. / to get to the root of things / to look at the root of things / to go to the bottom of things / to look below the surface
to talk in different languages / to speak different languages говорить на разных языках (придерживаться противоположных взглядов, не понимать друг дру
the reverse of the medal / the other side of the coin / the other side of the shield / the dark side of the picture оборотная (обратная, другая) сторо
as bad (ill) luck would have it / by bad fortune / by ill luck / by mischance как назло / как на грех
to adapt oneself to work / to get the knack of work приноровиться (приспособиться к работе, приобрести сноровку)
to be in charge of / to be at the head of smth. (to lead smth., to guide, to rule over) руководить (возглавлять)
according to someone’s deserts за дело (по заслугам, не напрасно)
bax işinə pər vurmaq
Lit. to spoil the mass for someone / to upset someone’s plans (calculations, etc.) / to twart someone’s plans / to spoil someone’s hand / to work havo
he knows how many beans make five он себе на уме
to run someone through the guts / to rip up someone’s belly / to disembowel someone / to drive someone to his (her) grave / to do away with someone /
to exert an influence upon something / to have an influence on smth. оказывать влияние (подействовать)
to get for and against weighed / to get pros and cons weighed / to think twice / to think smth. over / to reflect on smth
to show someone up in his true colours / to expose someone / to unmask someone / to show up / Cf. to put light through someone / to bring someone to l
Good luck to you! / Every blessing and success attend you! / May all day go round! / Cf. Break a leg! Ни пуха ни пера! (пожелание удачи)
to be in working condition (to be working) * на ходу (в рабочем состоянии)
= He who does not work, neither shall he eat. / He who would catch fish must not mind getting wet. / Nothing to be got without pains
to be of use / to be used for practical purposes / to be put to good use / to be pressed into service идти в дело / пойти в ход (оказаться в употребле
lost cause / lost hope / bad job / hopeless job / it’s all up / it’s a gone case / it’s a dead frost / it’s all day domino with someone or smth
things are not going well дело не идёт на лад
things go swimmingly / things are in full blast (swing, riot) / business as usual, things are moving, and everyone is happy дела идут, контора пишет (
to find which way the wind is blowing / see how the cat jumps / see which way the gander hops / to trim one’s sails to the wind откуда ветер дует? (ка
everything is going smoothly дело на мази
to make a muck (a mucker) of smth. / to foul (to screw) smth. up (to spoil smth.) * довести до кондиции (испортить, изгадить что-либо)
to put in order some affairs переводить на рельсы / ставить на рельсы / наладить дело / утрясти вопрос (организовывать, направлять, преобразовывать чт
the things look blue дела плохи
to be out of work (business) / to be out of office (employ) / to be (get) left out of things (of the running) / to be at a loose (an idle) end не у де
Lit. Indolence spoils a man. Лень человека портит. / Лень мужа не кормит, только портит. / Лень барыня, села да и поехала
for a starter / for brewing smth. * для затравки (для начала, для возбуждения интереса к чему-либо)
= Appetite comes with eating. / Cf. One leg of mutton helps down another. / Eating and scratching wants but a beginning
Lit. to hold your pocket wide! / Cf. keep hoping / no hope / not a hope / nuts to you! / iron. rather! ирон
to discourage someone from smth. / to put someone out of conceit with smth. отбить аппетит / отбить охоту
the appetite has disappeared пропал аппетит / пропала охота
Lit. the apppetite of a wolf (a beast) / voracious appettite волчий (зверский) аппетит / Ср. глаза разгорелись / зубы разгорелись
bax it diriliyində
1. let it will stick in your throat! шутл. на подавись! (говорится, когда кто-нибудь вопреки своему желанию, отдаёт или уступает что-либо кому-либо);
Cf. Don’t plunge where you are not wanted. Не суйся в волки, если хвост телкин. / Спесивый высоко мостится, да низко ложится
it will heal quickly enough как на собаке (быстро, не оставляя следа затянется, заживёт и т.п., о ране)
1. to be no better off than at the start / to get nothing for one’s pains / to lose one’s hopes of getting rich ни бычка, ни верёвочки / Ср
about an unrespectful man дешёвка (о неуважаемом человеке)